“IF SHE WEREN’T MY BEST FRIEND, I’D KILL HER!” Almost 600 ways women drive their girlfriends crazy

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“IF SHE WEREN’T MY BEST FRIEND, I’D KILL HER!” Almost 600 ways women drive their girlfriends crazy

 Author: Merry Jones  Category: Humor  Publisher: Andrews McMeel  Published: 1998  Pages: 373  Country: US  Language: English  Buy Now

In this painfully honest paperback, women confess that, even though they love their best same gender friends, sometimes those same dear friends make them want to tear their hair out. In priceless, often laugh-out-loud quips, women speak candidly about the grating behavior of their pals, revealing the good, the bad, and the funny of female relationships.

“Every time she passes a mirror, she poses. Puckers the lips, sticks out the chest. Fluffs the hair. Not that she’s vain or anything.”
Sally, 22, Phoenix, AZ

“Erika’s a vegetarian, but not for health reasons. It’s because she believes in reincarnation. I can’t eat a cheeseburger or a pork chop without her wondering aloud if I’m chewing on Grandma Sylvia.”
Andrea, 25, Ft. Wayne, IN

“She tells me I’m wasting electricity and turns off my lights. She walks through the house, shutting off the radio, the TV, the coffee pot. Whatever’s on. She leaves and there I am, in a dark silent apartment. With cold coffee.”
Peggy, 31, San Francisco, CA

Merry’s comments: This is another book that is painfully honest, and it unapologetically reveals the flip side of friendship. The friends who know us best also know our faults. And sometimes they have trouble tolerating them. Apparently, love isn’t always blind.New paragraph
